Lessons from a poker game

“It’s the lucky ones who are the hardest to beat”

I chatted recently with a friend who had finished in the top 10 in a local poker championship. Congratulating him on his win, I asked him to what he attributed his success. He replied,

“It’s pretty straightforward. You need to:

-Play the long game;

-Be able to read and react to your opponent; 

-Know the odds of the hand you’re dealt; and

-Not take yourself too seriously.”

Seeing some clear analogies to business, I asked him where luck comes into play. His response was very straightforward:

“I only factor in the things I can control. The worst opponent I face is the beginner who happens to get lucky.”


Martin Moll

Founder + Advisor

It’s the same in business. While it’s easy to look at someone who happens to be in the ‘right time, right place’ and wish that the same thing had happened to you, luck is not a strategy. Have patience. Know your competition. Rely on data. And most importantly, have fun while you’re at it.
